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The Borrowed Sister – The Story of Elizabeth Fedde, Founder of the Lutheran Medical Center, Rolfsrud, Erling Nicolai. Augsburg Publishing House.   Minneapolis, Minnesota.   1953
ThriftBooks: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/the-borrowed-sister-the-story-of-elisabeth-fedde/19212335/#edition=60701810

A Colony of Mercy – or Social Christianity at Work, Suter, Julie. Horace Marshall & Son.  London, England.   1901

 The Deaconess and Her Work, by Mergner, Sister Julie.  General Council Publication House.  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  1911

The Deaconess Calling, by Emil Wacker, edited by E.A. Endlich 136 pages.
Forgotten Books: https://www.forgottenbooks.com/en/books/TheDeaconessCalling_10242423

The Deaconess and her Vocation, Thoburn, Bishop. Hunt and Eaton.   New York.   1893

The Diaconate – A Full and Equal order, by Barnett, James M., Seabury Press. Harper & Row. New York.   1979 AbeBooks: https://www.abebooks.com/9781563380938/Diaconate-Full-Equal-Order-Barnett-1563380935/plp Cathedral Bookstore: https://www.cathedralbookstore.org/the-diaconate-a-full-and-equal-order-by-james-barn.html

Fliedner the Faithful, by Abdel Ross Wentz. Board of Publication of the United Lutheran Church in America.  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  1936


Handbook of the Mary J. Drexel Home & Philadelphia Motherhouse of Deaconesses. 80 pages, 1913. Available from:
AbeBooks: https://www.abebooks.com/9781332135004/Hand-Book-Mary-Drexel-Home-Philadelphia-1332135005/plp


The Inner Mission – a Handbook for Christian Workers, Ohl, J.F.   General Council Publication House.   Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1911

The Ministry of Women in the Early Church, by, Danielou S.J., Jean.  The Faith Press. Leighton Buzzard.   England.   1974.
Bibliomania: https://www.bibliomania.ws/pages/books/104583/jean-danielou-s-j/the-ministry-of-women-in-the-early-church



On Call – Deaconesses Across the World, by Herzel, Catherine. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc.   New York.   1961
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/on-call-deaconesses-across-the-world-catherine-herzel/1140328991

ThriftBooks: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/on-call-deaconesses-across-the-world/8229698/#edition=68323828&idiq=59626437

Realities – The Miracles of God Experienced Today, Schlink, M. Basilea. Zondervan Publishing House.    Grand Rapids,  Michigan.   1967
Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/realities0000unse_b2g6

Set Apart for the Gospel, Stoughton, Clarence. Muhlenberg Press.   Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.   1946

She Wore a Cross: Sister Anna Ebert 1901-1997, by Sister Margaret Tsan
Express Press.  Lima Ohio.


A Story of One Hundred Years of Deaconess Service by the Institution of Protestant Deaconesses Pennsylvania and the Lutheran Deaconess Motherhouse at Milwaukee, Wisconsin – 1849-1949, Fritschel, Herman. Published by the Lutheran Deaconess Motherhouse. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1949 https://hdl.handle.net/2027/wu.89067356170